Alaska Represents at AASLH Awards in Boise 2023


I’m still coming down from the high of getting the AASLH Award of Excellence in Boise, Idaho!

My wife and I visited Boise to accept the award at the annual conference of the American Association of State and Local History (AASLH). It was a fun two-day getaway for our little mom and pop history shop.


(Photo by Mary Rooney) Ronan Rooney (left) and Katie Ringsmuth (right) at AASLH awards ceremony in Boise, Idaho.


Rise and Fall of the Star of Bengal was nominated for the award by Katie Ringsmuth, Alaska’s state historian, who also accepted the AASLH Award of Excellence for the NN Cannery Project! It was really a privilege to meet her in person. Check out her videos on the award-winning Mug Up: NN Cannery Project and Spanish Influenza in the NN Cannery.

The incredible letters of support from Mike Burwell, Cindy Sweat, Patty Gilbert, Jennifer Warfel Miller Yancey, and Kate Thomas made moved me to tears.

This project brought to together a lot of things I really love, including many people I’ve known my whole life. My mother and my wife are in this! I met wonderful people along the way. Overall, I hope that the Star of Bengal gets a second look. It’s an important moment in history with a long-lasting legacy for Wrangell and beyond.



September 20, 2023: 115 Years Since Wreck of Star of Bengal